Featured Artist Update: Beata Moon


Habitat: Home New York City premiered one year ago this month. What are Habitat: Home artists up to now?

Featured Artist Update from: Beata Moon, Composer

What times we are living in.

I wrote a song about voting to hopefully inspire those to vote or to write their own songs about voting: Listen on Facebook.

A friend has started this regarding voting: playforthevote.com

I also saw this discussion about election anxiety and it was helpful. I’m working with Takiema and she’s awesome.

Be well.

A versatile musician acclaimed for her expressivity and sincerity, Beata Moon continues to reach audiences through her many-faceted roles as composer, pianist and educator. Moon graduated with a Bachelor of Music degree from the Juilliard School where she was a student of Adele Marcus. The last twenty years have seen Moon produce works in a variety of genres, including solo instrumental, chamber and voice. Her four CDs of original music were enthusiastically received by press and public alike and continue to be broadcast and performed throughout the world. Reviewer Andrew Druckenbrod of Gramophone magazine wrote, “Moon writes compelling music that is utterly sincere…” She has created and performed interactive concerts for children for Musica Reginae, a classical music collective in New York City. Moon also works as a teaching artist for Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center Education, the New York Philharmonic and Marquis Studios where she has led workshops and designed curriculums tailored for students of various backgrounds. Through her various roles as an educator, performer and composer, Moon fulfills her wish to work musically with people of all ages and backgrounds. She believes that creating and making music (not just listening to music) can be an invigorating way to process life’s varied experiences.

Connect with Beata: beatamoon.com
