Featured Artist Update: Esco Jouléy


Habitat: Home New York City premiered one year ago this month. What are Habitat: Home artists up to now?

Featured Artist Update from: Esco Jouléy, Actor, Singer, Dancer, Movement Artist, Clown & Creator

Help Fund a Black, Non-Binary Artist and Clown Create Art and Self-Employ!!!!

Hi Friends, I hope you are finding reasons to laugh and smile during these difficult times of Covid, Elections and the treatment of Black People.

I am reaching out to you because money is really tight right now and I want to try to use all my resources and ask for help. I am trying my best to stay creative during these difficult times and because everything is now remote and probably will continue to for a while, I need to acquire equipment for my production company. I am now taking control of my creative future and producing my own work.

I’m black and angry about the terrible things that are happening in our world right now. And I know I must use my anger in a positive way. Seeing well known clowns such as Bert William, Harpo Marx and Charlie Chaplin certainly inspired the form in which I express myself, but it’s not who I am. I’m learning that I am so much more. I now need the resources to further explore, learn and create for myself, my clown and the black community.

Through movement I want to explore the different ways you can use it as a mode to tell stories, connect to humanity and critique the issues of the world. I have a lot of questions, experiences and untold black stories that I need and want to explore through my art.

As a storyteller I have a responsibility that I willingly and fully accept. To tell the true stories of my ancestors and use all the tools and resources of my time to do so.

Through the concept of vaudeville I hope to travel around the world but for right now NYC to neighborhoods that don’t have access to theater especially during these times. I want to give hope, an artist outlet and a chance for people to see a black clown. And of course I want people to smile and laugh again.

If you are willing to donate or know anyone that can please pass this page along.  Any amount is helpful and thank you so much for your time. https://gf.me/u/y4uavb

Esco Jouléy is an actor, singer, dancer, movement artist, and creator located in New York City. Esco is a Penn State University graduate with a BA in Integrative Arts and a minor in Dance. Esco also graduated from the American Musical and Dramatic Academy in NYC. Esco is originally from Washington DC, where they had the opportunity to sing for President George W. Bush, mezzo soprano Denise Graves, and at Constitution Hall. Esco was awarded the Robert J. Prindle and Doris P. Prindle Memorial Award and the Lauren M. Becker Memorial Award in creative art. Esco was a resident actor at the historic Barter Theater for three and a half years. Since moving back to New York in 2015, Esco has participated in readings and festivals throughout NYC, including the Signature Theatre and the NYC ABC Showcase. As a movement artist, Esco is the creator and performer of “One”, a mute character that lives in the same world as the great artists Charlie Chaplin, Buster Kenton, and Harpo Marx. Esco has used this character to explore human movement and how one would communicate with people if one could not speak. One can be seen in their monthly improv show “JustOne Improv” in NYC! More information about Esco and their work can be found at escojouley.com, @escojouley, onezlife.com, and @onezlife.

Connect with Esco:
Instagram: @escojouley | @onezlife

