Featured Artist: Jacob Elkin


Jacob Elkin, Musician/Composer

Jacob Elkin is a composer and musician based in Brooklyn, NYC. Through the integration of space, noise and microtonality, his compositions seek an abstract expression of contemporary concerns which have reached listeners around the world. Mr. Elkin works as brass instructor for the United Nations International School and frequently performs on trombone and tuba.

Why you’re excited to participate in “Habitat: Home NYC”:

I’m excited to be a part of Habitat: Home for the opportunity to work from new perspectives. Taking on challenging subject matter with the aid of other artistic voices can really open new channels of understanding for myself, as well as hopefully, the audience.

What you’re currently exploring for your “Habitat: Home NYC” piece:

I’m currently exploring how spirituality can relate to issues of community and inequality. I’m hoping to create an immersive performance experience which uses the concert spaces to their full potential, acoustically and visually.

Other projects/performances you’re currently involved in:

If you’re interested in hearing some of my music live, my work Metropolis will be performed in 16 channels at the New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival (NYCEMF) Monday June 17th 8:00 pm.

