Take Me Home


In August of 2014, ISIS invaded the small city of Sinjar (Kurdish: Şingal),‬ beheading five thousand men in front of their families. In the surrounding villages, many residents fled immediately. Most victims from the massacre have subsisted in temporarily-made refugee camps since that time. And, many children now exhibit symptoms of aphasia (inability to speak) because of the tragic event.

This photo, taken by my husband, Moo Jae, shows an aphasiac child in July 2016 at a refugee camp in Iraq. There are a lot of children who suffer from having lost their parents, and need education and support to overcome these terrible events. Moo has been volunteering through Samaritan’s Purse, an NGO that provides education and art therapy for these children.

In Iraq, Moo heard and saw the situation, obtained news, and took many photos. Moo’s photos strongly inspired me to express freedom, human rights, the plight of innocent child, and refugees through my music. These topics anguished me to compose.

I’d like to share one of my ‘home’ series called Echoes of home. This series reflects on what ‘home’ means to me and to everyone in the world. ‘Take me home’ is one of my ‘home’ series compositions particularly based on the photography.

If you’d like to see more pictures, you are invite to click through to charityam.org!
