Tag: anti-racist

U.S. Businesses Must Take Meaningful Action Against Racism

Via Harvard Business Review.  U.S. Businesses Must Take Meaningful Action Against Racism by  Laura Morgan Roberts and Ella F. Washington The United States is in crisis. As we write this article, videos of racial violence and racist threats toward Black people in America flood social and news media channels. Public demonstrations against injustice are happening in … Read More

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An Open Letter to Arts Organizations Rampant with White Supremacy

Via Medium.  An Open Letter to Arts Organizations Rampant with White Supremacy By Nana Chinara CC: Gina Gibney, Gibney Dance When a Black femme confronts you for actively promoting and wielding white supremacy culture, you listen and course correct. Instead, I was met with a stay-in-your-place defensive response. White violence always begins with lack of … Read More

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White Fragility and the Rules of Engagement

Via The Good Men Project.  White Fragility and the Rules of Engagement By Dr. Robin DiAngelo Watch the presentation here.  “Here’s the thing about The Good Men Project. We are trying to create big, sweeping, societal changes—–overturn stereotypes, eliminate racism, sexism, homophobia, be a positive force for good for things like education reform and the … Read More

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Accountability in a Time of Justice

Via Vivette Jeffries-Logan, Michelle Johnson, Tema Okun.  Accountability in a Time of Justice Vivette Jeffries-Logan, Michelle Johnson, Tema Okun If you have come to help me you are wasting your time, but if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine then let’s work together. Aboriginal Activist Sisters Accountability is a well-worn … Read More

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Via Medium.  GRIEVING THE WHITE VOID By Abraham Lateiner Learn more at www.risksomething.org “I stood to my feet in the midst of the cosmos. I discovered that all were intoxicated and none were thirsty. At the moment you are inebriated, but free from the effects of wine, you too may turn and stand.” — Yeshua, Saying … Read More

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What is the Role for White People Working for Racial Justice in this Current Period?

Via Organization for Black Struggle and the Anti-Racist Collective.  What is the Role for White People Working for Racial Justice in this Current Period? Recently both cable news and twitter feeds got active after a group of white supremacists marched through the University of Virginia, Charlottesville campus under the banner “Unite the Right.” The horrific … Read More

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