Tag: classical

Listening Inclusively

“We write symphonies.” – Donald Trump This relatively subtle bit of white nationalist sentiment is quoted from a speech given by Trump in Warsaw in 2017. The soundbite made headlines because of its context within a paranoid xenophobic rant on forces “from the South or the East” undermining Western values. Although tame by comparison to his … Read More

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Why We Are Making Habitat: Home

It’s clear that Americans and our planet are in deep distress. While we’re experiencing soaring rates of violence, hate crimes, and natural disasters, talking about our upset and possible solutions in political arenas and on social media has caused the divides in our country to get even deeper. So let’s harness the power of art.

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The Habitat: Home NYC Team

“Habitat: Home” New York City is getting underway very soon! We will be taking part in workshops on collaborative principles, styles, and techniques, and working in multi-disciplinary teams of 2-4 to create new thematic pieces. We are excited to connect with each other and you as the project progresses!

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New York: Brooklyn

The culmination of collaborative workshops and creative generation on the topic of ‘home,’ this event will feature New Yorkers of all ages, performing  music, poetry, theater, video/light-sculpture, and dance in diverse styles unique to local artists. This multi-disciplinary approach will create a vibrant and varied program that celebrates underrepresented voices and builds community through shared … Read More

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New York: Manhattan

The culmination of collaborative workshops and creative generation on the topic of ‘home,’ this event will feature New Yorkers of all ages, performing  music, poetry, theater, video/light-sculpture, and dance in diverse styles unique to local artists. This multi-disciplinary approach will create a vibrant and varied program that celebrates underrepresented voices and builds community through shared … Read More

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Kansas City: “Present Voices” Ignea Strata

In this timely and relevant program, Ignea Strata presents the works of current composers. With music ranging from poignant to ecstatic, the concert addresses present issues with sensitivity, beauty, passion, and intelligence. The concert includes two world premieres composed specifically for Ignea Strata as well as works by Julia Barry, Bonnie McClarty, Tawnie Olson, and … Read More

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