The Ruckus Society defines direct action as the strategic use of immediately effective acts to achieve a political or social end and challenge an unjust power dynamic.
The Ruckus Society defines direct action as the strategic use of immediately effective acts to achieve a political or social end and challenge an unjust power dynamic.
19 things I didn’t know the first time I went to a protest, that I’m happy I know now.
General Admission: $10-$40 Ticket sales support Inspire and Sadie Nash Leadership Project This concert celebrates the strength and power of young women to become agents for change in their lives and in the world. Join us as we sing for Joy, Justice, Love, and Liberation. In partnership with and in support of Sadie Nash Leadership Project.
Doors are one way of depicting Jesus in art. For Christians, Jesus is the way, the opening, the gate. He is the portal that takes us where we most want to go, where we most need to be. He is the way to our most authentic and full life. I started studying classical ballet at … Read More
It’s clear that Americans and our planet are in deep distress. While we’re experiencing soaring rates of violence, hate crimes, and natural disasters, talking about our upset and possible solutions in political arenas and on social media has caused the divides in our country to get even deeper. So let’s harness the power of art.